He encontrado varios vídeos más de esta productora llamada "Horror Porn" donde mezclan perfectamente las películas de miedo con sexo explícito, pero joder! tengo que reconocer que algunas escenas están bastante conseguidas, no se a vosotros, pero a mi me da un poco de rollo pajearme con este tema, jjajajaja en breve compartiré otra escena con una loca llena de sangre que vais a flipar, pero de momento nos quedamos con esta "pose&iacu...
Suffering and scent of death. The prison where the crazy headmaster became a god. This place does not allow any hope, just pain and damnation. The sadistic beast of a warden needs to satisfy her needs on the inmates whose only choice is between slavery or eternal misery. But even the lesbian monster will be punished and die. Die a death that is even more monstrous than she is herself. Come and taste the hell. Say your prayers and enter, but beware, you might never come back again!
A wild beast in a cage! Hungry and deadly, she will rip anything within her reach to shreds! This is a pure wild animal. But luckily I know how to tame the beast and turn her into an obedient bitch. I'll feed her raw meat and show her who is her Master! A solid rope and a strong hand, that's what this bitch needs. This is how you tame wild sluts! I am the Tamer!
Deep woods can be place full of suffering. I found them there, beaten, dirty and used. Two young beauties, tied down and silent. Was that a gift from the dark lord? It was impossible to resist, I just had to grab them and fuck their unmoving bodies. I have never felt so good before. Bizarre but so exciting. Nobody will ever find out what horrors are happening in the woods. Look at your dark side and embrace the dark parts of your soul.
De la mano de "Horror Porn", os proponemos vivir una aventura que seguramente se os habrá pasado por la cabeza alguna vez, nos adentramos en el amazonas, en plena selva brasileña, y lo hacemos acompañando a una pareja de recién casados que busca una luna de miel algo especial, lo que nunca pudieron imaginarse, es que serían capturados por la una tribu de locas donde el sexo salvaje es su principal preocupación! Ambos son maniatados a un &...
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