I was sitting in my office when in walked Lady Blond, a blonde spinner with a tight ass looking to get some tests done. She was getting her licence soon, so she needed blood work, a physical, the standard procedure. After giving her a quick check up I found everything in working order, so I gave her a test tube to collect a sample. Lady took a bit long in the bathroom, so I went to check. It turned out she couldn't go, so she was playing with her pussy to try to ...
Anissa Kate was here on vacation and having some stomach issues. We discussed what the issue might be and I asked her to get undressed for an exam, but then she caught me watching her and wanking my dick behind the privacy screen! She was such a beauty with big natural tits and a thick ass, what could I do? Hourglass shaped. My favourite. And even though the tall brunette was offended at first, she said she liked my dick and asked to touch it and to put it in he...
Pretty punk babe Megan Talerico came into my office today with a personal problem of a sexual nature. The beautiful blonde hasn't been enjoying sex, and hoped I could do something to help. She admitted she wasn't having any thoughts about sex, even, and though she was performing for her husband, she couldn't get pleasure for herself. The poor woman was just hoping to feel passion again, and not have to masturbate to get it! After reviewing her sexual history....
Pretty Vicky Love came into the office today with her husband, complaining of back pain. Her husband left to get her insurance information as we started the exam, and before I knew it, Vicky had stripped off almost all of her clothes, and was standing there in just her panties and thigh-high stockings! I tried to focus on the back problem, but the sexy MILF had something else in mind. She sat on the stool in front of me and started touching my cock through my p...
The medical school sent over beautiful Brazilian student, Lora Corazon, for a medical test today, so I did my best with all the instruments and such to check out her breathing and reflexes and whatnot. Then I sent her for a pee sample, and drank it to ensure it was okay. Luna was alarmed at this, but I told her she was the one who peed in the cup! Besides, it's an old method doctors used to diagnose issues. After examining her, I had Luna open wide so I could c...
Today two medical students came to test themselves in my office under my expertise and guidance: one male and one female. The female was a little hottie named Camilla Moon, who I'd had my eye on for a while: a cute brunette covered in tattoosâ??almost definitely naughty as fuck! While the male student was showing off his knowledge of anatomy using the teaching skeleton in my office, Camilla slid her hand on my ass, and looked at me with those adorable fuck...
It was Lady Bug's first appointment, and I had to leave her alone in my office to get a form for her to complete. I had told the pretty brunette about the cameras in the office, how we're recording for training for the local medical school. Perhaps she wasn't listening, because when I left the room, she started exploring: playing with equipment, and poking through things. She even started making sexual advances toward the full-sized skeleton we use for teaching! Of...
I had a journalism student interview me today about my practice. She wanted to know where I attended school and what equipment I usedâ??and if I'd ever slept with any of my patients! I told pretty Paris Divine that I was a married man, and a professional, so I would never do such a thing. Paris wanted me to listen to her heart and needed some help undoing her blouse. She asked if she could sit on my lap, and if I would examine her. Then Paris asked if she ...
Vany Ully was taking a shortcut through the forest when she hurt her ankle. I helped her get her coat and shoe off so I could examine it, and it was indeed swollen. I took the pretty hikerâ??s information, then I started what I thought was the best therapy: I sucked on her beautiful toes! Vany started feeling better right away, especially when I took out my big dick to massage her ankle. Then, to distract her from the pain, I had the pretty brunette get down ...
I was just about to change into my work clothes this morning when I realized I'd forgotten my pants! Ellie Springlare was already coming in through the door, so I hightailed it to my desk in my white shirt and hoped I wouldn't be found out. Ellie is a beautiful young woman who needs medical clearance to start a new job. We went over some family history before I had her undress and lie on the exam table--face down, of course! My big dick got through most of ...
Sultry blonde Lee Anne came to get a medical certificate so she could try for her driverâ??s license. I performed the basic exam, like I always do, but when I was checking her reflexes, her leg flew out and kicked me in the balls! The pain was so incredible that I told her she should go and come back another time, but this chick was determined to get her license asap. She was quite shy, but tried to suggest we make a deal, pointing at the exam table, seemingly...

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