This man asked me to transport a bag to the airport today. I am not a delivery man, but I could use the cash, so I agreed to take the bag for a bonus. We loaded the bag into the taxi, and my goodness, it was heavy. As I drove along, the bag started to move. It freaked me out! I pulled over to check what was inside, and was shocked to find blonde girl Marilyn Sugar inside of it. Her hands were tied and her mouth was covered with tape, so I let her go. Getting o...
This good looking ginger man named Ron Johnny Fox got into the taxi today, and I love that type of younger guy. Ron was on his way to a driving exam and told me he was nervous. I told him the best way to calm nerves is with an orgasm, and asked if I could watch him masturbate. Ron was shy, but when I let him play with my big tits, he took out his cock. It was amazing! Much bigger than I thought. I pulled out and gave him a blowjob, then he fucked me with enthusiasm. After he pleased me in cowgirl...
I picked up this hot eighteen year old girl named Jenny Love, a college student who was on her way to do a photoshoot. She had met this guy off social media, so I told her I'd wait for her, just in case. Almost immediately, she was back in the taxi. This pervert had asked to see her pussy, then whipped his cock out. She laughed about how small it was, so I asked if she wanted to see a real Big D. She was amazed by my cock, and told me she had never seen one ...
I picked up Alyssa Bounty, who was on her way to a friend's wedding. She was in a bit of a rush, so she asked if I minded if she used the taxi to change. Of course I didn't mind, I was delighted to see her take her clothes off. She had great boobs, and when she slipped off her bottoms, I liked to see her bum. She was having trouble with her make up, so I offered to help. We pulled over and I did her make up, and this turned her on, so she asked if sh...
I saw this really attractive man standing on the side of the road, so I pulled over and asked him if he wanted a taxi. Barry was not a local, but was in town for a meeting. I asked him if he liked Czech girls, and he told me he had been with Czech girls before. I told him I found him attractive, and if he showed me his body, I'd give him a discount. Barry even reached forward me and squeezed my tits, then fingered my pussy as I drove. I pulled over and got in the backseat, then he took out h...
This gorgeous Spanish brunette got into my taxi named Rubi Rico. Rubi told me she was a waitress, and had only been in Prague for three weeks. She found it very cold, and was rubbing her body to warm up, and before I knew it, she took her tits out to warm them up too! I offered her my services to help warm her up even more, and Rubi liked the idea of getting hot with me. I pulled us over and got in the backseat, then slipped her shorts off her big booty so I could...
I saw leggy blonde Elena Vedem standing on the side of the road, so I pulled up and asked if she wanted a taxi. Elena hopped into the car and we started to drive, but soon she told me she could not find her money, a tale as old as time! I drove us to a secluded location and as we travelled, I told her she could have the ride for free if she showed me her boobs. It took some convincing, but she flashed me, then took her panties off so I could see her bum. I got i...
This lovely Chinese woman got into the taxi today named Yiming Curiosity. Yiming was visiting London from China, and asked me to take her to Buckingham Palace to do some sight seeing. I caught her eating in the backseat, and did not want a mess, so I asked her to put her food away. I kept catching her eating, and finally, she spilled chips all over the car! I was angry, so I pulled over to give her a piece of my mind. Trying to run away from me, she threw o...
This beautiful, skinny brunette got into my Taxi today. Her name was Mia Trejsi, and she was wearing this tight pink dress. I was embarrassed to find out that Mia knew who I was. She recognized me from stories her girlfriends had told her about how they earned discounts in my Taxi before. She wanted me to ask her, so I wondered if she would show me her tits. She took down her dress and showed me her boobs, then turned around shook her ass for me. I pulled over an...
I picked up this hunk with brown hair Tommy Woods today. It was cold, so he jumped into the taxi without looking at the price, and I had to inform him a ride in the Female Fake Taxi wasn't cheap. Tommy didn't have enough money, but luckily for him, I had a plan for such an event. I told him to strip and let me see his body, and was pleased to see he had a great shape and a nice penis. I pulled the car over and joined the naked man in the back seat where I started to give him a blowjob. ...
It was raining pretty hard when Lady Bug, "buggy" got into the Fake Taxi. She didn't have an umbrella and was looking for shelter, so she asked me to drive her to the city center. My window was busted, and she was right cheeky about it, but when it came time to pay, the tables were turned! She had no cash, only card, so she had no way to pay. We worked out a deal: she would give me a blowjob to call it even. She was excited to show me her perky tits ...
This lovely, skinny French babe named Megane Lopez got into the Fake Taxi this afternoon. Megane was visiting London for the first time, and had no real plan, just to do tourist things. It was very hot in the car, and the AC was still broken, so the little exhibitionist stripped out of her dress and freely lay naked in my backseat. Her perky tits and wet pussy made me very horny, and since she was a free spirit, I suggested I join her in the back to masturbate....
This gorgeous redhead got into the Fake Taxi today wearing a bright yellow summer dress. She was on her way to go shopping, and told me her name was Kiara Lord, and she was from Hungary. She told me she was boiling in the taxi, but both the AC and the windows were broken. Kiara had no cash, only card, which I do not accept, so we were able to work out a deal. She told me she was a sugar baby, and I told her for some sugar, she could ride for free. I was real plea...
My name is Shalina Devine and I am a taxi driver. I picked up Jack Roberts, an English-speaking man from Holland. Jack complained he had been in Prague for two days, but found no parties, and he was getting bored. The AC was broken in the car, and he found it hot. I had to tell him that unfortunately, the windows were also broken. To cool off, Jack popped off his shirt, and seeing his abs made me horny. I told him I would offer him a special party... a making...
I saw pretty ginger Chelsy Sun struggling with her suitcase at the bus stop, and got her attention to see if she needed some assistance. She'd missed her ride and didn't have enough cash to get home, but I told her I could give her the student discount! And once we were in the car, I asked if the slim redhead would show me her tits! Chelsey told me I was a pervert, but she took off her bra and jiggled her perky boobs for me. Then it was my turn to show ...

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